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grandma betty When should I get my flu shot?
Author :    -   Subject : Health

    Because flu activity can start as early as December, the best time to get a shot is during September, October and November. But getting the shot after November can still provide protection. A new shot is needed each year. The flu shot can be given at.....more.....

grandma betty Creativity at Any Age
Author : Gene D. Cohen    -   Subject : Life

    When poet Stanley Kunitz won a National Book Award in 1995, at age 90, for his book of poems Passing Through, another noted poet, Mark Strand, exclaimed: "One of America's great poets. Most poets dry up at 50. For him to be writing poems at 90 is jus.....more.....

grandma betty Kill Stress -- Before It Kills You
Author : Kyle Roderick    -   Subject : Health

    The personal and professional transitions of midlife often bring on mind/body stress that can negatively affect health in the short and long term. by Kyle Roderick "A certain amount of stress helps increase your motivation to do better on the.....more.....

grandma betty Medical Dictionary
Author : Staff    -   Subject : Health

    A Abscessed tooth A painful, serious infection that develops in the tissue around a tooth. When the pulp of the tooth dies, mouth bacteria start to overgrow and spread from the root of the tooth to the tissue under the tooth, creating a pus-filled.....more.....

grandma betty Could Your Cell Phone Give You a Tumor?
Author : AP Writer    -   Subject : Health

    STOCKHOLM, Sweden - A Swedish study suggests that people who use a cell phone for at least 10 years might increase their risk of developing a rare benign tumor along a nerve on the side of the head where they hold the phone. In an interview Thurs.....more.....
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