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grandma betty Kill Stress -- Before It Kills You
Author : Kyle Roderick    -   Subject : Health

    The personal and professional transitions of midlife often bring on mind/body stress that can negatively affect health in the short and long term. by Kyle Roderick "A certain amount of stress helps increase your motivation to do better on the.....more.....

grandma betty Anthrax: What You Need to Know
Author : Christine Many    -   Subject : Health

    With the reporting of several deaths, penetration to a White House mailroom facility, and an evoling preventive health care strategy, fears of anthrax contamination continue to spread. Here's what you need to know. What is anthrax? Is it con.....more.....

grandma betty Learning to Stay Young
Author : John Stark    -   Subject : Exercise

    The idea is as old as humanity: Learn from your elders. There's wisdom born of age. Maybe that's why, when they decided to see if they could crack the code of healthy aging, Thomas T. Perls, M.D., and Margery Silver, Ed.D., went right to the top: som.....more.....

grandma betty Make Sensuality an Out-of-Body Experience
Author : Bonnie Bernell    -   Subject : Beauty and Style

    All healthy babies come into the world seeking and enjoying pleasure -- a yearning for the sensual is natural. Unfortunately, many of us learn later in life to ignore what we feel and sense. For women, this oftentimes is tied to the number on a scale.....more.....

grandma betty Cleopatra's Secret
Author : Sarah Van Sicklen    -   Subject : Beauty and Style

    Ever since the ancient era of the Queen of the Nile, women have known the relaxing, softening power of milk on the skin. It only took a few thousand years for cosmetic companies to incorporate these properties into products we can use today. Cosmetic.....more.....
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