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37 Ways to Peace of Mind
Author : Michael Castleman - Subject : Health
Stress is a fact of life, but being stressed out is not. We don't always have control over what happens to us, says Allen Elkin, Ph.D., director of the Stress Management Counseling Center in New York City, and yet, that doesn't mean we have to react .....more.....
Will I get Medicare at age 65 if I'm not yet eligible for Social Security?
Author : Medicare.gov - Subject : Health
Although the retirement age is rising, 65 remains as the starting date for Medicare eligibility. You will be eligible to apply for Medicare if you have paid into Social Security for at least 10 years or you are eligible to receive Social Security ben.....more.....
Kill Stress -- Before It Kills You
Author : Kyle Roderick - Subject : Health
The personal and professional transitions of midlife often bring on mind/body stress that can negatively affect health in the short and long term.
by Kyle Roderick
"A certain amount of stress helps increase your motivation to do better on the.....more.....
Boomer Bikers: On the Road Again
Author : Robert Smith - Subject : Life
A 55-year-old general contractor from Camino (that means "road" in Spanish), California, Stoddard is a new member of a growing gang on the highways: the Boomer Bikers. With job security attained and kids out of the house, middle-aged American men -- .....more.....
How does the recent Medicare reform legislation impact my Medicare coverage?
Author : Medicare.gov - Subject : Health
Presuming President Bush signs the Bill recently passed by Congress:
Starting this spring, people with Medicare will be able to join a drug discount card that Medicare has approved. This card will immediately provide savings on your prescrip.....more.....
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